Welcome to the Hyborian War Elite Download Center.
This web page is developed to allow other Hyborian War players to download my Windows compatible Hyborian War Utility program. This HywarElite installation was last updated on 2-24-2004
Notes on how to Install the program
Sorry but the above links no longer work on this website due to this webserver nolonger allowing downloads of .EXE files. With this the case I have created another website at
New web page for downloading Hywar Elite
to allow the downloading of the software. All future updates will be at this new location and this location will no longer be updated. Thank you
Notes on how to use the program
As a note the following Maps are in GIF format. They will adjust to a size appropriate to your screen and if you move your mouse to the lowere right corner of the picture it will prompt an enlargment box. When this box is clicked the map will jump up to full view and clarity with scroll bars to adjust location desired. The maps will print very nice on normal sheet of paper.
a map of Hyboria
Ending map of Hyborian War 735
Ending map of Hyborian War 738
Peace Year 2 map of Hyborian War 758
Peace Year 1 map of the total privacy game for 759
My recomendation's
I recommend that people use my software and do not delete their old games.
My software will enable you to keep an electronic history of your past games. This in turn will allow you to search for past character names to find out the nation they are from. This will also enable you to refer to past game events without having to rifle through a big stack of papers pulled from storage. However this software is only as good as you make it. For future references I would recommend recording most of the data contained in your report. IE Battle information.. How good spells worked. how good a character did in his assignment.
This type of data will eneable you to better plan your battles and your character assignment. IE if a character continually fails to get a peace treaty it will be recorded as such and you will blantanly see that this is not something you want this character doing no matter how good his stats say he is.
I also recommend that people who have Adobe photoshop create a map of Hyboria.
(if somebody is willing to allow me to upload the photoshop file to their web-site I will gladley create a link here for it.)
In adobe photoshop create the map as the provinces. Then create all the province names as one layer. Creating the provincial names and the map itself as seperate layers allows you to fill the background of a province the color of the kingdom withoout worrying about the provincial name getting screwed up. Then create each individual IA as a layer. (this will enable you to place your Imperial armies on a map.) Create a layer of an Arrow that will represent an intent to invade. (this will enable you to plan effeciently your invasions) I use big red arrows for invasion intents and big red Xs for set piece battles. I also create layers of my allies and enemies IAs and battle plans so that I can get a broad picture of whats going on. All my above GIFs are from the adobe photoshop file for its game.
The Latest Update as of 03-07-04
I Added combo boxs to just about everything. I am using arrays to support the combo boxs so if anyone has memory issues please advise me and I will adjust the program in a different direction. Also of note if you download the installation software the update is not needed.
I recommend viewing this program in 1024 by 768 setting any lower setting will cause portions of the page to be lost to view.
Thank you
For those unfamiliar with microsoft you can select all text within a control by holding the Ctrl button and depressing the A button. You can then copy the selected data by holding the Ctrl button and depressing the C button. then go to the where you want to paste the text and you can paste the data you copied by holding the Ctrl button and depressing the V button.
Email me any comments at uprightguy@verizon.net
RSI The company that produces this Play by Mail game
An awesome site for all things Hyborian War